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Stephan Ohlsen

Pulser Str. 25
25593 Reher


This site is not meant to be a "best of" my photography. It's just a (not so) brief (anymore)  introduction.

If you like what you're seeing here, please check out the following links:

• new pictures on weekly to sometimes daily basis on flickr

Created with flickr badge.

• my (mostly german) blog with much emphasis on music and photography


• me on  facebook

(I also have a facebook photo page, but I'm very lazy there!)

• my tumblr. with mostly pics of records and some other stuff from me or others

• the Year of the Hedgehog : 365 days with the Digital Harinezumi 3.0

(project done, but still updated with Harinezumi photos from time to time)

• my band DruturuM

(well, at least the cover artworks have something to do with photography and are mostly shot by myself. But seriously, check out our stuff!)